Once More Into The Breach

Humans are amazing, if not ironic, creatures. They invented boats. The learned the natural laws required to sail those boats into the wind. Then came engines, modern hulls, even foils, all in the interest of increasing speed in the water. Then they invented sailboat racing.

I don’t know if you’ve ever watched a sailboat race. The excitement level is nearly that of watching paint dry. Or a pot boil. Either way, it is slow going.

Every other month or so I renew my resolve to write. I get a little feedback on my writing from time to time. It is usually quite encouraging. It makes me want to write some more. I sit, I write, I delete, and I go mow the lawn. Watching that from the outside is like watching, well, you know.

In a sailboat race the opposing boat tries to cover you. They try to steal your wind. you tack, they tack. You jibe, they jibe. Anything to get the best advantage and keep their nose in the unobstructed wind.

Kids, wife, cares upon cares cover me and keep my sails luffing. I try tacking, but it always seems my tactics are anticipated and there are always those things that keep me from getting my nose into the wind and actually making it toward the finish line, or at least around the next mark.

I like squirrels. I watch the ones in the back. I believe that the mighty squirrel is my spirit animal. They seem to randomly change their mind in the middle of whatever the seem to be about. Me too. They run with great intent one direction, only to change directions midcourse. Me too. I write about barber skills, then change to weight loss. I dive deep into the spiritual side of being a Christ Follower but then change to writing about travel. I have a list. It is really, really big.

I’ve been writing about weight loss. It has been well received. I like the attention. But that isn’t all that I am interested in. I want to write about the interesting things. I think I am going to try. Can you follow along if I don’t have a niche? It takes a special brain to live the life of a squirrel. Maybe not a superior brain. Just a special one. I hope you join me on my special journey.


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